The forces of evil look to destroy us in all areas of our lives. Evil can be given any name, it can in the form of a person, an addiction, a habit, or even in the form of music or other entertainment medium. What we need to watch for in these trying times is how we feel around such things. It is very easy to get caught up because we think that we feel good, but if we are totally honest with ourselves, we know just how uncomfortable we really are. Forces of evil are trying to stop us from joining collectively because these forces know they will die out if ONENESS is achieved world wide. The forces are making a heavier appearance as time goes by. Many people think of the times that we are living in as the "end of days". This can be taken both literally and figuratively.
If we really stop and look at the things taking place, we could all concur that there are truly horrific events and monstrosities occurring. Do these things mean that the world is going to end completely? Or do these things mean a shift in our consciousness? To say that the world is going to physically end may seem a bit out there. I feel that it means that our current consciousness is going to die out. There is a collective awakening that we (most everyone) on the planet are aware of. Many people however fear the dying out of their old consciousness because they haven't been properly educated on how to leave the old behind to bring in the new.
I don't care what religion, or society or social standing you may or may not have. If there is a lack of knowledge and a lack of Spirit, there is going to be fear. There are those of us that know that our purpose on this beautiful planet is to usher in the new consciousness and to raise the vibration of not only our beautiful Mother, but also the vibration of all of humanity. Each of us vibrates at a certain "octave" some vibrating higher while others still vibrate at the lower end of the scale. Those of us who have reached these higher levels of vibration are the ones that are the helpers (a.k.a. light workers). We are the ones that have been gifted to stand against the forces of evil that are trying to destroy our home and humanity.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Lucifer...the fallen one
Recently I was asked what my views about Lucifer are. This was an interesting question that I had to consider for a bit of time before coming to my overall conclusion. Lucifer according to the Bible was an angel who despised God and wanted to over throw him. Lucifer was known as the morning star because he was an angel of light. God created all beings, both angelic and human. So in God's perfection, there arose feelings of self-rightousness, self-exhaltation, and self-importance that Lucifer felt he deserved the same respect as God. He felt that he should be worshiped as God was worshiped. How wrong he was! Lucifer gained a following of angels to whom he convinced that they were going to over throw God and all His glory and get the rest of the angels and all of man-kind to worship him as they worshiped God. So, from a Biblical standpoint, we see that even though God made angels and man both, that sin originated in Heaven with Lucifer. Lucifer felt that he was righteous and deserved the glory. As for me and my feelings about Lucifer. He has many names, titles and associations. I feel that there is a being named Lucifer, and I believe that he can appear in our lives as many different conditions. He can appear to us as someone we love but can't seem to get along with at all, he can appear as a sickness or disease, he can appear as a disaster, he can appear as depression or mental illness. I think anything that we associate with being the opposite of God's glory is Lucifer. This can have such a huge variation on things, because each person is going to view God differently and what might feel like "Lucifer" in my life, might not mean the same thing to someone else. Evil does exist in many forms. People, places, things, thoughts, feelings, songs, movies, books and the list continues. Each of us has the ability to turn off these evil associations by simply CHOOSING TO NOT ENGAGE WITH THE THINGS THAT CAUSE US PAIN. Whatever it is that is causing us pain. The hardest part about over-coming "Lucifer" or "evil" is turning off our minds from the noise and distraction that comes with the things that cause us pain and grief.
We MUST BE WILLING TO LET IT ALL GO TO GOD AND LET GOD WASH IT AWAY. God doesn't want us to be miserable, but we have to be wise enough to ask God for guidance to be sure of what direction we need to take. We can't just assume that we can overcome Lucifer's power on our own. God is needed in all areas, but especially this one. Lucifer can even present himself through your children. You have to know what to look for and how to IMMEDIATELY turn to God and ask God to guide you and be with you. Evil will exist as long as there is an inch of room in your mind that the enemy (Lucifer, evil, pain, anger) can penetrate. Once he penetrates your mind, you dwell on the situation and than begin to fall down. Therefore, the enemy has been allowed to win the battle at that time. Than you have to start again with asking God to help you be victorious over the enemy and it really isn't a pleasant feeling to know that the enemy has won.
You might be saying, is it my fault that things have gone wrongly in my life? I'm not saying that at all, but once you have found God, God is there to help you out of the darkness and to guide you away from the enemy. Sometimes God allows "bad" things to happen in order to strengthen us in HIM. If we can gain greater strength and momentum with God, than Lucifer will have no chance to attack us, because we will be so in line with God that there won't be room for the enemy to attack you.
We MUST BE WILLING TO LET IT ALL GO TO GOD AND LET GOD WASH IT AWAY. God doesn't want us to be miserable, but we have to be wise enough to ask God for guidance to be sure of what direction we need to take. We can't just assume that we can overcome Lucifer's power on our own. God is needed in all areas, but especially this one. Lucifer can even present himself through your children. You have to know what to look for and how to IMMEDIATELY turn to God and ask God to guide you and be with you. Evil will exist as long as there is an inch of room in your mind that the enemy (Lucifer, evil, pain, anger) can penetrate. Once he penetrates your mind, you dwell on the situation and than begin to fall down. Therefore, the enemy has been allowed to win the battle at that time. Than you have to start again with asking God to help you be victorious over the enemy and it really isn't a pleasant feeling to know that the enemy has won.
You might be saying, is it my fault that things have gone wrongly in my life? I'm not saying that at all, but once you have found God, God is there to help you out of the darkness and to guide you away from the enemy. Sometimes God allows "bad" things to happen in order to strengthen us in HIM. If we can gain greater strength and momentum with God, than Lucifer will have no chance to attack us, because we will be so in line with God that there won't be room for the enemy to attack you.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 you have it or do you not?
Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, often strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. All of the world religions mention faith in some shape or form. I am going to talk about Christianity and Buddhism in this post. In Buddhism, there are three modes of nature. These modes (experiences in one's life) are according to one's level of understanding. The first is the mode of Mode of Goodness. The mode of Goodness is purer than the other modes and it is illuminating and it frees on from all sinful reactions. The second mode is the Mode of Passion. This mode is born of unlimited desires and longings, so it embodies the living person with material actions. Actions done in the mode of passion result in misery. The third mode is the Mode of Ignorance. In the Mode of Ignorance, there is delusion of all embodied living people. The results of this mode are foolishness. In Christianity, there are three main types of faith mentioned in the Bible. 1) No Faith (faithless), 2) Little Faith (weak faith), and 3) Great Faith (faithful). Each of these levels can be shown by man at different stages in their walk with God (or lack there of). When a person has little faith, they aren't believing in God, and therefore are relying on themselves or a false idol. They rely on their own minds to get things accomplished or to justify their actions and disbelief. When a person has weak faith, they have a small amount of faith in God, but they are still doubtful of the full ability that faith provides. And finally when a person has great faith, they are fulling relying on God to fulfill their wants and needs. They have no doubt whatsoever that God is and will continue to provide for them. In comparison, each of the Modes of Nature can be compared to the levels of faith.
- Mode of Ignorance=No Faith (works of the "devil" or evil people)
- Mode of Passion=Little Faith (works of the "flesh" or self)
- Mode of Goodness=Great Faith (works of "Spirit" or God)
The point I am bringing us too, is that each religion has they're own definitions or titles for faith, but they are in essence the same things. You must choose to have faith in God in order to receive the joy and happiness and enlightenment that comes with having faith. When you are in no faith and weak faith, you are miserable most of the time, because you have not surrendered yourself to the will of God. Faith requires one to completely surrender themselves to God and to follow God's plan or mission for their life. Christ had complete faith in God and so did Buddha. Even though Buddha didn't have a specific God that he worshiped, he still had faith. Faith that he could rise above the delusions of the world and he was able to reach nirvana. Without faith, Buddha would have given up before reaching that level of enlightenment. Faith defines our day to day lives, even if you don't realize that you are exercising faith. Faith is required when you get into your car and drive somewhere, you have faith that you won't get into a car accident. You have faith when you go to the grocery store and buy food. Faith that the food will be safe for your consumption. You have faith when raising your children, faith that they will take heed to what you have taught them when they are adults, faith that they are becoming good people. Faith is a light in each of our soul's that helps guide us and allows us to dream big dreams and believe that those dreams will be accomplished. When you look at yourself and your faith, what do you think of? Do you feel as though you are strong in the faith department or lacking faith?
I'd love to hear your comments! Please comment, ask questions, interact with me! Have a blessed and glorious day!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Religion. A fascinating subject that has been around for centuries. There are so many ways that each religion are interconnected that most people don't realize how interconnected they really are. Each religion Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Islam, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism all teach of a GOD energy. They all refer to a higher energy with love at the basis of each religion. Man has created these "religions" as a means to separate us from the ONENESS of God that we all are. With religion that is man made, there comes fear, fear that they will be forever damned or punished for "misbehaving", when this is not how God wants us to feel. It doesn't matter which religion you belong to, there is a difference in reverential fear and fear itself. Reverential fear is a deep respect for God and doing what is right by God. Fearing God is fearing the punishment and judgement that comes from disobeying him and the way you should be living your life. Being interconnected, religions have got to open up their eyes and see that there are more similarities than there are differences amongst them. People from all walks of life can subscribe to any religion they would like, without having been born into that religion. An American can choose to be a Buddhist, or a Taoist, while a Korean can choose to be Christian or Islamic. The list goes on and on, and to me, this says that the oneness of God is alive and well throughout these religions and that we should not be separating one another based on a religion. God wants us to live as one and to love each other the way that he loves each of us. His love is eternal, and those that follow Him know what it is to be accepted and to experience true love unconditionally. Why did man create religion? As a means to feel superior to those that did not experience God on their own. To feel superior to those that won't except God into their world. Most people are turned off by religion, because there is such a negative connotation that goes along with the word religion. The point of God's love is to invite those in without scaring them with threats of judgement and damnation if they fail to commit themselves to your religion or way of thinking. God is universal, no matter what name is put on Him to identify Him. Separation creates distance from the God source. Separation causes confusion. Separation causes us to feel a lack of identity and wholeness because we are separating ourselves from God. When one is condemning a person, they are in fact condemning God because God is the only true source of the love and compassion that we can exhibit to all members of humanity. God isn't worried about which "religion" you come to Him from, what He cares about is how you live and embrace Him. He cares about how you treat others and accept others. God doesn't want us to go about trying to convince others that our religion is the only correct religion, He is however wanting us to show everyone we come into contact with the same love that He gives to us each and everyday of our lives. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and religion does not allow us to connect with one another in such a way to please God, because in God, we are all the same. There is no separation to God.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Spirituality in the Real World
Spirituality in the real world. What does that mean to the average person? Usually thoughts of religion, God, Jesus Christ, the Rapture and sinning. But is that all spirituality really is? I say no it isn't. I say spirituality is the binding thread that unites us all. We are all here on this magnificent planet as ONE in HUMANITY. We can't continue to separate one another by their "religions" because all religions do in my humble opinion, is put fear into people. Believe the way the religion says to or you will be damned and go to hell or you will be outcasted and forever lost in the eyes of God. Each religion has several beliefs, but each lead to the same unifying God energy that we all associate with. The idea of God is in the eye of the believer. God is something different to everyone, but at the basis of each belief, LOVE IS THE ANSWER. When people open up to this reality and see that we are all connected as a member of humanity and that there is a collective consciousness that we all contribute too, both positively and negatively. Positivity and love are the binding threads that we all must acknowledge now in order to take humanity through it's next stage of evolution. God is LOVE no matter what way you view Him or Her.
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